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Our pupils at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School learn to read using Read Write Inc Speed Sounds. The children are assessed regularly and grouped according to the phonetic stage in their learning. Phonics is part of the English curriculum, the policy for which can be found below. 

English and Phonics is led in school by Mrs C Knight and the linked Governor is Mrs Ditchburn-Hughes.

If you have any queries around the teaching of Phonics please feel free to contact Mrs Knight through the school office. 

A simple introduction to RWI can be seen by clicking the image below.

Phonics Screening Check

This is a government requirement and is taken by all children in Year 1 in June each year. Any children not meeting the expected standard will re-take the check in the assessment window in Year 2. 

Click on the link below to find out more.

Reading At Home

Below is a link to the Oxford Owl home page where you can find lots of videos and resources to help your child read at home.

Why not join the RWI Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest tips on how to support your child with reading at home?

Click on the image below to see a sample of the parent tutorials on the RWI Facebook page.