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Year 5


Taught by Mrs J Read and supported by Mrs J Allum.  

Our class verse is: Luke chapter 4 v 4, ‘Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God'



Homework will be set every week.  It will be given ot on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Friday morning.  

Maths – (To be completed in pencil)

English/Topic – (To be completed in black pen)

Spellings:  These will be set on Ed Shed; yor child needs to learn them, in anticipation of a spelling test each Friday.


PE will be every Wednesday, so pupils will need to make sure that their kits are in school at all times.

Swimming will be every Thursday, so children will need to bring in their swimming kits.


We have a library day every Tuesday, so children need to bring their library books in every week, even if they want to keep it until the next week, so we can mark it in our book.