Welcome to EYFS, where we love to learn, play and explore!
Our Teacher is Miss Hines
Mrs McDonald, Mrs Clarke and Miss Reid also support us with our learning.
Our Bible verse is ‘Love one another’ (John 13:34)
Our Topic this term is: Brilliant Burnley
We are investigating how different objects can float or sink in Science. This will help us with our learning in Design and Technology when we will be designing and making our boats. Hopefully they will float and not sink!
During our Talk English lessons we will be reading stories such as The Little Red Hen and The Queen's Hat, will be exploring different concepts during our Talk English lessons and will be learning new vocabulary.
Seeds and Gardeners
Here at Holy Trinity, we have a successful buddy system, 'Seeds and Gardeners'. The EYFS children (the seeds) and Year 5 children (the gardeners) are paired together and create a friendship throughout the year. The Year 5 children act as a mentor, guide and friend and enjoy spending time with their seed.
Our P.E. days are WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. P.E. will be taught by Mr Little and Miss Hines this term. Please make sure that your child has their full P.E kit in school on these days. P.E. kit should be all labelled with their name.
Reading books are changed every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Please make sure your child’s reading book and reading record are in their book bag on these days.
Our library day is every TUESDAY. The children will be given the opportunity to borrow a school library book each week. Please make sure that your child’s school library book is in their book bag every TUESDAY.
If you need any further information or advice, please e-mail me on misshines@holytrinitycofe.lancs.sch.uk and I will send you a copy. Thanks, Miss Hines