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PE and Sport Action Plan

In 2024/2025 our school will receive £18,140 of Sports Premium Funding . This will be used in the following ways:

-Continue to allow children to be active as possible in the school day, ensuring every child has the opportunity to be active for at least 30 minutes per day. Maintain the increased levels of activity in KS2 and focus further on improving them at EYFS/KS1.

-Ensure that all children are ‘physically literate’ when they leave Holy Trinity. Whole school focus on the mastery of FUNdamental movement skills with a particular focus on EYFS/KS1.

-Broaden the knowledge of the current members of staff who are responsible for teaching the curriculum, accessing CPD in a variety of sports outside the normal ‘core’ sports. This will allow the children to access a HQ and varied curricular & extra-curricular program.

-Ensure there is a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer with a focus on sports not on the current PE curriculum. Tailor the current curriculum to each key stage to allow a wider range of areas to be delivered.

-Maintain the high levels of opportunity for children to represent the school at Inter- School competitive events.
Focus on giving targeted groups of children access to Festival based events and entering B/C teams in more Inter-school competitions.

– Buy into local SSP to ensure continuity and growth of local infra-structure.