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Bacton Primary School - Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to EYFS, where we love to learn, play and explore!

Our Teacher is Miss Hines

Mrs McDonald, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Lord and Miss Reid also support us with our learning.

Our Bible verse is ‘Love one another’ (John 13:34)


Our Topic this term is: Colourful Characters

We are learning about all about ourselves. We will look at how our bodies work in Science, we will be drawing and painting self-portraits in Art and will be looking at our own timelines in History. 

We will also be learning about the author Malorie Blackman during our Black History Week in school.



Ashdown Primary School - Physical Education (PE)

Our P.E. days are WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. P.E. will be taught by Mr Little and Miss Hines this term. Please make sure that your child has their full P.E kit in school on these days. P.E. kit should be all labelled with their name. 

Belleville Primary School, London - Reading

Reading books are changed every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Please make sure your child’s reading book and reading record are in their book bag on these days. 

Our library day is every TUESDAY. The children will be given the opportunity to borrow a school library book each week. Please make sure that your child’s school library book is in their book bag every TUESDAY.

If you need any further information or advice, please e-mail me on and I will send you a copy. Thanks, Miss Hines