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SEND Report

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, we want all children to be able to achieve their full potential in all areas of their development. In order to do this we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils.  We know that some children sometimes find it more difficult to achieve certain activities than others.  They may have Special Educational Needs.  Also, a child may have a Disability that requires extra support.

SEND report 

Holy Trinity CE Primary School is a mainstream primary school which currently has 204 pupils on role. There is no nursery provision. 

We are a fully inclusive school and welcome children from all different backgrounds including those with special educational needs or disabilities.

There are currently 54 children in the School who are identified as having SEND.

1. Who is the SENCO and can I contact them?
Name of the Special Educational Needs/Disabilities Coordinator/SENDCO – Mrs. Ksenia Driver

Contact details:

Mrs.K Driver

Holy Trinity CE Primary School,

Raglan Road,


BB11 4LB

01282 434368 

Where a child has either a Statement or and Education, Health and Care Plan admission to our school will be co-ordinated by the SEND department of the Local Authority. For other pupils who have special needs we will work closely with parents and other professionals (including previous schools and Early Years Settings) to ensure that as far as is possible appropriate support is in place for pupil before they start school. This may include a specific transition programme based on the needs of the particular child. If you are a prospective parent and have concerns about any additional needs your child may have, please speak to us before your child enrols, so that, if necessary, we can put any necessary measures in place in good time.

2What kind of Special Educational Needs do we make provision for?

Children have Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND) if they:

  • have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; 
  • have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age. This may relate to impairments in communication and interaction, cognition and learning, behavioural, emotional and social development, or sensory or physical needs. 

There are lots of types of SEND. Children might experience difficulties in one or more of the following ways:

Communication and Language e.g. speech and language difficulties or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 

Cognition and learning e.g. specific learning difficulties (such as Dyslexia) or moderate learning difficulties (MLD) 

Social, emotional and mental health e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or attachment difficulties 

Sensory and/or physical needs e.g. visual or hearing impairment, or mobility difficulties 

We also recognise that some children may have short-term needs following a change in their home life e.g. a bereavement or may have medical needs. On occasions children may have a specific gap in their learning identified and a short term intervention may be required to resolve this.

3. How do we identify a child with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and how do we assess their needs?

Early identification of pupils with SEND is a priority. At Holy Trinity we use appropriate screening and assessment tools, and assess pupil progress through:

  • Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessment;
  • Pupil progress in relation to objectives in the English and Mathematics national expectations;
  • Standardised screening or assessment tools;
  •  Evidence/observations/information from parents;
  • Pupils’ performance in Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Screening/diagnostic tests
  • Information from outside agencies e.g. Specialist teachers, Speech and language service, Educational Psychologist etc
  • Reports or observations
  • Records from previous schools/early years settings

The identification of SEND at our school is part of our overall approach to monitoring and assessing the progress and development of all pupils.

We identify the appropriate action to take in order to meet specific needs. Early identification is essential because the sooner we take action the more responsive the pupil is likely to be to the intervention/support.

The identification process is achieved through continual use of classroom observations, questioning and assessments of all pupils. Progress is tracked formally on a half termly basis and where appropriate, more frequently. This aids identification of their immediate and long term needs.

The SENDCO liaises closely with class teachers and the Head Teacher to analyse data and individually track pupils who are experiencing difficulties.

Class teachers can liaise with the SENCO and Head Teacher for advice and strategies.

All pupils have access to appropriate quality first teaching and the implementation of interventions.

However, possible triggers for the identification of Special Educational Needs could be:

Slower or no progress made when teaching approaches/learning styles are particularly targeted to improve the pupils’ identified area of need;

  • learning continues at levels that are significantly below those expected for a child of a similar age;
  • communication or interaction difficulties that create barriers to learning and specific interventions are needed;
  •  social, emotional or mental health problems which are not improved by the techniques normally employed in the nurturing environment of our school;
  •  sensory or physical problems that create barriers to progress despite the provision of personal aids or specialist equipment.

If following several weeks of additional support the pupil continues to experience difficulties, the school may, with parental permission, seek the advice of external agencies. To support pupils who have specific needs, the school regularly liaises with other professional such as pediatricians, school nurses, speech and language therapists and occupational health. The school can request assessments from specialist teachers, IDSS and outreach support from schools that specialise in supporting children with challenging behaviour.

There are certain factors that are not SEND but may affect a child’s progress and attainment are taken into consideration and adaptations are made accordingly.

These may include:

  • a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – all reasonable adjustments will be made in order so that a child can access the curriculum
  • attendance and punctuality;
  • health and welfare;
  • english as an Additional Language (EAL);
  • being in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant;
  • being a looked after pupil;

Persistent disruptive or withdrawn behaviour does not necessarily mean that a pupil has SEND. Any concerns over a pupil’s behaviour will be investigated on the evidence that the behaviour is an underlying response to a need. This may be a learning difficulty or another factor, as noted above. School staff will endeavour to recognise and identify the reasons for the behaviour and take suitable steps to address the root cause.

4. How do we involve parents and consult with them about their child’s education? How do we help parents of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities?

The school’s Policy for Special Educational Needs and Disability aims to develop partnerships with every parent and carer in the education of their child and to involve parents and pupils in the review process. Parents and carers are valued and their contribution in terms of identification and support for pupils with SEND is fully recognised. Parents/carers with concerns about their child’s learning should, in the first instance, contact the class teacher. School operates an ‘open door policy’ so parents can contact the school office at any time and we will do our best to arrange a meeting with you and the relevant member of staff and/or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator as soon as possible.

To keep parents informed we have a website with a SEND section. We also have newsletters, which go out weekly, SEN Newsletters, two parents’ evenings each year, and one annual report that enables parents to give written feedback.

There are annual open days for parents to view the School and talk to staff. Parents are also invited to our planned class assemblies and celebration assemblies on a weekly basis.

Children who are identified as having special educational needs have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is updated half-termly and shared with parents. Parents are invited to discuss the IEP with the class teacher.

We also share the evaluation of the previous IEP to show the progress the child has made against their targets. Sometimes children achieve their targets before the IEP is reviewed; if this happens, a new target is set and parents are informed of the new target.

For children with long-term, complex needs, it may be appropriate to request a Statutory Integrated Assessment (SIA) of their needs. This is a long and complicated process but school will guide parents through each step. We would also encourage parents to accept a referral to the Parent Partnership Service. Parent Partnership’s aim is ‘to inform, support, assist and enable parents or carers, of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, to obtain the best possible educational outcomes for their child’. More information is available by following the link to Parent Partnership Service under the “Help for Parents and Carers” section of the Lancashire SEND website, at

Key school policies and other documents are available for all via the school’s website and free copies of any policies are available at the school office upon request. These can be adapted if requested e.g. enlarged print.

The school learning mentor and/or SENDCo will be happy to help parents/carers to complete forms and paperwork when necessary. This may include reading documents, supporting with understanding of official paperwork (whether from within school or from other agencies) and possibly, in more complex cases, a referral to Parent Partnership Services, as above.

Information, advice and guidance for families of children with SEND is available via the SENDCo and/or links on our website.

When children join the school, we make a Home – School Agreement to help parents to understand the parameters and expectations in school. If parents wish to become even more closely involved with school life, we have places for parents to sit on our governing body and elections for these positions take place on a 4-yearly cycle. Parents are invited to complete an annual parental questionnaire and actions are taken in response to this.

5. How do we involve and consult with the children about their education?

We have a School Council which is made up of two representatives from each year group, voted for by their classmates. All children are eligible to serve on the School Council, regardless of special educational needs or disabilities and in recent years several such children have served the school council very well. We also have a school Worship team and Sports council which asks children for their thoughts, views and opinions about these aspects of school life. Again, all children can put themselves forward for these groups.

Children from Year 4 and 6 take part in the Pupil Attitude Questionnaire termly, which produces a numerical summary of views of their own school lives as well as opinions of various school-related topics, such as behaviour, safety and bullying. The data from 2023/24 shows that the vast majority of children have a positive view of school. Areas for further development can also be identified and improvements planned to ensure all children enjoy their school life.

Children with SEND who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) are involved in discussions about their targets including how well they are progressing and what they need to do as a “next step”. They do this whilst working 1:1 with a teacher or teaching assistant.

6. How do we assess and review the progress that children make and how do we involve them and their parents?

Assessment for all children is a continual process and part of the teaching and learning cycle. For many children with SEND, the teacher’s assessment of need is sufficient to decide what is needed on a 1:1 basis through an IEP.

It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher, through the class teachers, to monitor the support and provision for pupils with SEND in their care. Throughout the school, teachers formally assess children’s progress in Maths and English every term. All of this information is monitored and evaluated to ensure that provision for all children is matched to their needs.

All IEP’s have SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) targets which are monitored weekly (on a ‘can they do it’ basis) by the teaching assistant, supported by the class teacher. With the teaching assistant and/or teacher the child is also encouraged to self-evaluate against their targets. IEP’s are formally reviewed and evaluated half-termly by the class teacher and/or SENDCo. A copy of a child’s IEP is sent home, along with a copy of the previous, evaluated IEP and parents are invited to discuss this with the class teacher/SENDCo contributing to the evaluation / target setting if they wish. This is so that they can support their child in achieving their targets through activities in the home.

For children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or, since September 2014, an Education, Health and Care Plan, an annual review (6 monthly for under 5’s) will be carried out by the school in conjunction with the LA. Parents and external agencies are strongly encouraged to attend.

7. How do we support our pupils with SEND as they move on to high school or move to another school?

To support all the Year 6 children with their transition to high school, a member of staff from each of the receiving secondary schools visits them and meets with their class teacher. All children are invited to attend open days at their new school in the Summer Term.

Additional visits to their new school can be arranged for pupils with SEND, supported by school staff if necessary. These usually take place in the Summer Term; the number of additional visits will depend on the needs of the child. The SENCOs of the two schools will make sure all relevant inclusion information is transferred to ensure a smooth transition. This may be at a meeting and parents may be invited if requested. For children with a statement or Education, Health and Care Plan, a more formal Transition Meeting involving all parties may be arranged to plan the transition process.

Where children with SEND move to another primary school, the SENDCo will contact the SENDCo of the receiving school to ensure all relevant information is shared.

Parents planning such a move of their child, especially if their needs are more complex, are encouraged to give as much notice as possible to school so that all necessary arrangements can be put in place prior to the move. This can be planned in to annual review meetings when the child is in Year 5 if deemed necessary.

8. What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND?

In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, 2014, Holy Trinity CE Primary School does everything it can to meet children and young people’s SEND. Pupils have access to additional provision on an evidenced-needs basis and we will endeavour to ensure all pupils’ needs are fully met. This is embedded within the Graduated Approach section of the school’s Policy for SEND which aims to provide full access to the National Curriculum and to encourage success and participation for all pupils, whatever their level of ability.

The key principles of this approach are:

  • all class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. All children are included in all lessons through an ethos of Quality First Teaching which is adapted to respond to their strengths and needs, as set out in the Teachers’ Standards (2012);
  • high quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEND. However, despite this, some children need additional help to make progress in their learning;
  • additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching;
  • pupils are only identified as SEND if they do not make adequate progress once they have been given good quality personalised teaching, access to adaptations and intervention pupils who join school (either from an Early Years setting or another Primary School) with an already identified SEND will be catered for in the same way as those identified by this school;
  • When planning learning for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, teachers give due regard to information and targets contained in the children’s individual education plan (IEPs). Additionally, teachers modify teaching and learning as appropriate for children with disabilities.

For all children with Special Educational Needs, the class teacher, SENDCo and teaching assistants will liaise closely and make special arrangements in the class. This may involve grouping, a special programme of learning, modified tasks, different seating arrangements or extra adult intervention.

For children who have support from external agencies, provision involves the expertise of the relevant external professionals. Any advice (written or verbal) will be included in the IEP. There may be some direct input and advice from a specialist teacher from within the LA (Inclusion and Disability Support Service, IDSS) or from other agencies such as the LA Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy etc.

Where a child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan, the provision and approach to teaching this child, is laid out in their Statement or Plan.

There are currently ten full time and one part-time teaching assistants working in school, ensuring support in every class with some additional support to be deployed where and when the need arises, including in-class support, the one-to-one delivery of Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and small group interventions.

9. How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEND?

The school will provide a range of adaptive equipment from the budget. There is a variety of different height tables and chairs throughout the school.

Where required, cushions / supports will be provided, with specialist furniture and/or access equipment purchased, depending on the needs of the individual child. For more complex and expensive items, an access and/or ICT assessment will be requested and then the school will apply to the Local Authority for funding to purchase the recommended equipment. Parental consent is required for this.

We endeavour to teach in a multi-sensory manner to appeal to all types of learners. Some children’s needs’ can be met through differentiated learning, classroom adaptations and/or targeted support in class. Examples may include: classroom positioning, organisational aids (task ladder, visual timetables etc), large print documents, coloured dry-wipe boards, coloured backgrounds to interactive whiteboards, specially adapted learning books, coloured overlays and/or paper, pencil grip aid, writing slopes and many more. We already have a very good bank of resources to assist children with additional needs and are constantly evaluating and updating this to meet the needs of the children we have in school.

Other children may access targeted and time-limited small group interventions (usually involving withdrawal from the classroom) e.g. further English and Maths support, Fine and/or Gross Motor Skills, Social Skills or bespoke small group interventions. A very small minority of children will require a fully bespoke curriculum. This will depend on the needs of the child but could include having learning ‘chunked’ into bite-sized pieces where the range or depth of learning is adjusted to suit the child.

All children can access computers through our ICT suite and there are banks of laptops which can be used in classes to support learning.

Access arrangements for National Curriculum tests are in line with DfE guidelines, which are issued each year. i.e. when children meet the prescribed criteria for extra time, rest breaks, a reader (for maths), a scribe, enlarged print or ‘live voice’ for mental maths tests etc.

We also provide high quality pastoral for groups of children. Our School learning mentor runs sessions on developing social skills, communication skills, friendships and behaviour.

10. What else do we do to make the school safe and accessible?

The school site is surrounding by fencing for safeguarding and security purposes and the external gates are locked at 9.00am each morning. After this, the School can only be accessed by the main entrance area on Raglan Road. The path from Raglan Road to the School entrance is on a gradient but is accessible for wheelchair users.

School is wheel-chair accessible and, in addition to normal toilet facilities, there is an accessible toilet located in the main entrance area. There are four stairs within the Key Stage 2 department but a lift has been installed by the Year 5/6 classrooms making all areas accessible for wheelchair users.

Once in the Reception area the internal door can only be opened from inside the building. We have recently had CCTV installed in key areas of the School (some with audio) to provide additionally security and safety measures.

Arrangements are made for disabled parking on an individual basis.

School staff are on duty on the school playground from 8:45am. All EYFS/KS 1 children are handed to parents or carers directly when leaving the building at the end of the School day. If someone other than a parent is collecting the children, school must be informed in advance. Key Stage 2 children are allowed to make their own way home if parents have previously informed the school, otherwise they must be collected.

For children with SEND, specific collection/handover arrangements may be made (e.g. wheelchair users or if there is a risk of a child running away).

SEND children may be supported by dedicated staff at playtimes and lunch times. Teachers/teaching assistants ensure help with the handover process at the start and end of the day.

11. How are staff trained and kept up to date? If we need more expert help and advice, what do we do?

The SENDCo attends cluster meetings and passes updates to other staff, as appropriate.

We recognise that to effectively support, we need to have the skills and knowledge to understand the needs and issues that individual children face. Therefore, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is offered to all staff. A record of CPD is kept in the office and is reviewed by the Curriculum committee of the governing body on a termly basis. All staff are subject to appraisal each year and training needs are identified. Specific training will be made available to staff to support the needs of a particular child(ren) if the expertise is not already in school.

Initially, school will endeavour to meet the needs of children with SEND from within its existing resources.

However, if following several weeks of additional support, the child continues to experience difficulties, the school may, with parental permission, seek the advice of external agencies such as the Local Authority services such as the Inclusion and Disability Support Service (IDSS) or similar. Again, with parental permission, some children may be referred for support from our National Health Service colleagues e.g. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services etc. Any plans shared with the school by these agencies are carried out by staff within school in liaison with the appropriate agency.

Occasionally, even with the support of external agencies, we may identify that we are unable to fully meet the needs of a pupil through our own provision arrangements. In these circumstances, an assessment of the unmet needs would be carried out through the CAF process, which would involve parents, pupils, and all agencies involved in the pupil’s care. More information on this can be found on the Lancashire County Council website:

12. How do we know if what we provide for the children is effective?

Most SEND children have either: an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which are reviewed half-termly.

There is a whole school provision map which is currently updated by the SENDCo on a termly basis and each class teacher also produces a provision map showing the interventions running in each class during that term.

The SENDCo reports annually on the efficient and effective use of resources for pupils identified as having SEND. The monitoring and evaluation of progress of pupils with SEND is detailed in the Graduated Approach (assess, plan, do, review) section of the Policy for SEND. For pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan, annual reviews (6 monthly for under 5s) are carried out in accordance with the appropriate legislation and the SEND Code of Practice;

The Head Teacher collects and analyses tracking data for all pupils including those with SEND and uses this, in conjunction with information gathered from other sources; dialogue with colleagues, discussions with pupils and parents etc to make a judgement on effectiveness.

Any additional provision for all children (whether or not they have SEND) is carefully recorded by the Senior Leadership Team and/or SENDCo.

13. How are children with SEND enabled to take part in all the activities available in school?

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are welcomed and actively encouraged to go on all trips (including residential) and to attend all clubs. Where appropriate, parents will be consulted from the planning stage and all reasonable adaptations and adjustments made to ensure that children with SEND can safely access and enjoy the social and skills development that such activities bring. The adaptations will usually be the result of the risk assessment and may include additional support, extra time allowances, amendments to the activity (e.g. through use of different equipment) etc.

All activities within and outside school are covered by a risk assessment. These are carried out by the Premises Manager (Headteacher) and/or the Lancashire County Council. Additional risk assessments are carried out for specific children with advice from appropriate agencies, depending on their needs. Risk assessments for school trips are also monitored by the Governing Body and Lancashire County Council.

After-school activities are offered to children each half term. The majority of our teacher led clubs are free of charge with the exception of those run by Sports Cool which are subsidised by Primary Sports Funding money. These clubs are open to children regardless of Special Educational Need or Disability, with reasonable adjustments. Additional school staff are on duty to support SEND pupils as required, especially if clubs are run by external agencies.

14. How do we support children with medical difficulties or emotional and social difficulties? How do we deal with bullying and make sure children with SEND can tell us if they are having a problem?

The school has a variety of policies which cover health and wellbeing issues e.g. Medicines in School Policy, First aid etc.

Some medication, such as asthma inhalers are kept in the teacher’s medical box in the appropriate classroom. All other medication is stored securely in the School office or in the staff-room fridge if necessary. All medicine is recorded in a medicine log along with details of dosage and frequency.

Parents/carers sign to grant authorisation to the school to administer medicine to their child. Full records are kept in accordance with the appropriate policy.

For individual children with specific needs, care plans are written at a meeting between a member of the school’s staff, the child’s parents, the child (when appropriate) and the School Nurse. Any new adults coming into school go through an induction process in accordance with the school’s Induction Policy to ensure they are made aware of any particular needs. Additionally, staff receive training to deal with specific difficulties, when the need arises e.g. how to administer an ‘Epi-Pen’. Where a child’s health care needs may impact on their ability to access an educational trip or activity, additional advice is sought from parents and/or health care professionals, as appropriate. School deals with medical issues through a graduated response. Trained school staff deal with minor issues but we would always err on the side of caution if it was felt that an illness, injury or medical attack was more serious and contact the emergency services. School will always try to contact parents/carers in these instances so it is important that the office has up to date contact details including home and mobile telephone numbers.

Emotional and Social support

Holy Trinity CE Primary School aims to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which all pupils achieve their full potential and have the skills and confidence to meet the challenges of secondary school education. To support pupils and their families, the school liaises with all relevant specialist agencies such as the family and medical centres, Blossom Tree children’s centre, paediatricians, speech therapists, occupational therapists, school nurses etc. Although none of these are based in school, some do come into school to carry out assessments and therapy, with parental permission. School may with parental permission, ask the local authority for their advice and support for a child with particular emotional or behavioural difficulties.

In some cases, school or one of the other agencies may open an Early Help Assessment with parents. This is an assessment and planning tool which is used to gather information about children and families in one place to help the family to decide what type of support is needed. It may be used to address an unmet educational need (as above) or an emotional or social need.

Our Family Support Worker offers pastoral and nurture group support to individuals who need short term extra support.

More information for families about the Early Help Assessment process is available here:

Sometimes, a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting is called to continue the system of support for the family. These are usually held in school and parents will always be involved.

Bullying and Child Protection

All children are taught about anti-bullying, friendships and staying safe through a combination of age-appropriate PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) lessons, daily whole-school Worship and an annual visit from the Life Education Centre.

Anti- bullying week encourages children to recognise when to speak to members of staff if they are worried especially during playtimes. Children with specific difficulties may be teamed up with a buddy to ensure their inclusion, safety and well-being on the playground. Additionally, all staff (including welfare) are made aware of vulnerable children and, if appropriate, a key worker may be allocated to a specific child.

Online-Safety is taught in an age appropriate manner throughout the school, recognising the potential dangers and issues on the Internet. Pupils’ views on safety, bullying and attitudes to risk are sought through the annual Pupil Attitude Questionnaire.

Any bullying incident is dealt with in accordance with the school’s anti-bullying policy, which is available on the website and from the office on request. In accordance with legislation, the school has a Designated Senior Person (DSL) and a back-up deputy DSL to deal with issues related to Child Protection and Safeguarding. All staff receive regular Child Protection awareness training.

15. What arrangements do we make for supporting children with SEND who are in the care of the Local Authority?

School has a nominated member of staff for Children Looked After. This is the Headteacher, Mrs. A Whitaker. She liaises with the SENDCo and learning mentor to contribute to the child’s Personal Education Plan (PEP). Where a Child Looked After has a Statement or EHCP, whenever practicable, the PEP is reviewed along with the Statement or EHCP.

16. What should I do if I have a concern or complaint about the provision for my child?

In order to deal with your concern or complaint in the quickest and most straightforward way, we ask that you take a graduated approach:

a) Firstly, contact the class teacher via the school office or directly;

b) Secondly, if you have concerns, which cannot be addressed by the class teacher, then please contact the Headteacher via the school office and/or SENDCo (contact detail above);

c) Finally, reference should be made to the school’s Complaints Policy should further action be deemed necessary. We aim to deal with any complaints at the earliest opportunity but within 20 days at the latest (In accordance with the Complaints Policy).

17. Where can I find information about the Authority’s Local Offer?

This website also contains a vast amount of information on SEND.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please ask for assistance at the school office and we would be happy to help you.

We hope that you find the information useful, if you would like to ask any further questions or require any additional information, please contact us at School.

List of staff involved in SEND NAME  Position
Mrs. Alison Whitaker  Head Teacher 
Mrs. Ksenia Driver



Mr, Philip Vercoe SEND Governor 
Mr. Philip Vercoe  Chair of Governors 
Mrs. Alison Whitaker  Teacher with responsibility for looked after children
Mrs. Alison Whitaker


Miss J.Hines 

Designated senior lead for child protection and safeguarding

Back-up, designated Senior Lead for child protection and safeguarding

Terminology and Acronyms



Attention Deficit Disorder. 

ADHD  Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. 
Amanuensis Supporter who helps pupils with SEN put their thoughts onto paper ( scribe). 
ASC / ASD Autistic Spectrum Condition / Disorder. 
*BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulty. Pupils whose behaviour or social needs present a barrier to learning.

*This term has now been replaced by SEMH where the focus is on the reasons behind the behaviours. 

CAF Common Assessment Framework (for children and young people). 
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health